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(239) 281-0934

Computer Tutoring

Alright so you just bought that new computer and now you have no idea how to get started? We offer on-call in home computer tutoring and support. Our training is oriented to you and how you will use the software and hardware you have. Before we come to you, we find out what you already know, what you want to do and what you have and then teach you what you need to know to do what you want to do.

The Internet is one of the most powerful tools ever developed for communication, research, shopping and many other uses. It is also one of the most fraught with danger. We teach you how to make the best use of this tool. We also teach you how to do it safely and protect yourself from viruses, spyware, spam, hackers.

Families use e-mail and instant messaging instead of handwritten letters to stay in touch and share photos and videos. Now live voice and video comes to the home via Skype, Zoom meeting and Facebook Messenger and many other apps. We teach you how to use e-mail and instant messaging to stay in touch with your world.

We offer tutoring on many other topics as well call us today and book your appointment.

Tutor Helping Senior Woman In Computer Class
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Let Us Teach You
How To Use Your Computer or Mobile Device!

Do you want to learn to e-mail? Send and receive texts? Maybe you want to learn to take pictures and send them to friends and family. We can teach you make computing fun. Give us a call today.